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60 seconds with… Sarah Osborne

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Here at Mizaic, our team of experts are the heartbeat of everything we do. They are what make the digital transformation projects for the country’s NHS Trusts possible, and many of them have learned — and first-hand — experience within the healthcare sector.

We want you to get the chance to meet the talented and passionate group of people behind the scenes, which is why we’ve launched this employee Q&A series.

Next up, it’s Sarah Osborne, our project manager and transformation specialist.

1. What does a typical day in your role look like?

Checking and progressing  the projects I am working on, meeting with our customer project teams, working through the tasks on the project plan, liaising with our internal team scheduling jobs and working through any issues and general completion of project paperwork and planning.

2. Tell us about one of your favourite projects that you’ve worked on:

All of the projects I work on are favourites as they are all unique to that Trust so no two projects are ever the same, which keeps it interesting.

3. How is Mizaic and/or your role helping to revolutionise the healthcare industry?

We provide an EDMS that connects unstructured patient data into a rich mosaic of information, creating clarity for the clinician, improving the clinician:patient experience.  Our EDMS is built and supported by people who worked in the NHS and have a wealth of knowledge around the challenges staff face, enabling us to support them every step of the way on their EDMS journey. 

4. What’s your favourite feature of MediViewer and why? 

I have two favourite features, the first is encounter linking and the second is filters.  Both features enable the end user to search for specific documents within the patient record and take seconds to use.

5. If you could be Secretary of State for Health for a day, what policies would you implement?

That’s a tough one, there are so many, but I think the main two for me would be to invest in community services to enable the discharge of patients from the hospitals into appropriate care facilities and the other would be to invest in the existing and future staff (and services) in our hospitals to ensure the longevity of the NHS. 

6. What’s one EDMS myth you hear that you want to debunk?

‘We have to eliminate all paper to implement an EDMS’ - Going paperless is a gradual process and most times organisations will always have paper in some form.

7. What’s the one HealthTech acronym you find yourself explaining the most — and what does it stand for?

EPR and EDMS - I do tend to explain the difference between the two a fair amount.  They compliment each other to give the end user a wholistic view of the patient record. 

8. What’s the best piece of career advice you have been given?

Take yourself out of your comfort zone frequently and challenge yourself.  This is where the magic happens.

9. If one of your colleagues could win an award (work or ‘fun’) who would it be and why? 

Siobhan would definitely win the award for most bubbly early morning personality :)  

10. If you could only have three apps on a smartphone, which would you pick?

Facebook, YouTube  and Instagram, no Amazon, no SkyGo, no Toyblast………………….. Oh I can’t - do I have to decide? 

To find out more about the Mizaic story, or get in touch about how we can help with your EDMS project, please contact us by emailing or calling 0203 790 7901.

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